Diary Entry Twelve

Well it’s been an awful long time since I wrote anything on here.

So my Youtube channel has been on hiatus for a few months, this website got deactivated and I haven’t really been shooting much new recently either because I was in the process of buying a house and that was kind of taking up both all my time and all my money.

This isn’t really a proper update post, more of a placeholder to say I am still here, I am kind of shooting a little but not as much as before. My current project “It’s Allright Around here, Isn’t It?” is still very much a thing that I am adding to on a regular basis but it’s evolved into a much more long term piece of work.

I have been writing an awful lot more recently, mostly short stories that may or may not ever see the light of day. The eagle eyed amongst you may notice I have hidden away the previous “Writing” section of this website and that is because I’m not sure how I want to move forward with that stuff..

Oh and also I am going to be displaying some of my images from “Un Giro D’Italia” as a contributing artist at an exhibition in October of 2021. Which is very exciting. I have no more information yet but it’s a show called Pallet.

Anyway That’s all for now, like I said just a placeholder. I’m still alive. Be back with more soon (hopefully).

Keep Shooting Film Guys.
