It's Allright Around Here, Isn't it?

"One thing I've always found when you meet new people is the inevitable question of where you're from and the follow up of what that place is like.........The answer I give is probably the same as many other people when asked the same question about themselves and their home town. It's allright around here, isn't it?"

What started out as merely making a few images while on a day off or on my lunch break has transformed into an ongoing project documenting the city in which I live, Cardiff. Consisting of images made on medium format film mostly using a Yashica TLR film camera across the past few years it has expanded into an ever increasing archive of day to day events and locations and has become an attempt to capture the landscape of a changing city while at the same time subscribing to the idea that below the surface, there is a beauty that can be found in banality.

The project was accepted to be part of the FFOCWS group exhibition in Ffotogallery in Nov/Dec 2022 and here you can find a transcript of a short essay I wrote discussing my work.

Here I talk for a few minutes about one of the images from the project on Ffoton’s website.

I also self published a small run photobook of the series which can be purchased through my Etsy store.