Diary Entry Seven

Castello Sforza from Parco Sempione, Milan. Olympus OM-1 Cinestill 800T

Castello Sforza from Parco Sempione, Milan. Olympus OM-1 Cinestill 800T

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas or festive period or whatever you celebrate if you celebrate at all. It’s been a little while since I updated this blog so thought it was about time to add to it even if there isn’t much new or exciting things to say.

A street in Isola, Milan, at night. Olympus Om-1, Cinestill 800T.

A street in Isola, Milan, at night. Olympus Om-1, Cinestill 800T.

Firstly you may remember a weekend trip I took to Milan back at the beginning of November. Although it was a trip mostly to watch football I still took along a camera and a few rolls of Cinestill 800T as I find it pretty difficult to go anywhere without a camera nowadays. As usual with Cinestill 800T I was planning on using it to shoot some night street shots, although I also ended up using it pretty extensively during the day as well and the results came back from the lab with a few decent images in there (although the back of my camera opened on some, annoyingly). I’m always impressed with the look of the Cinestill especially when using it in daylight with a filter, as you can see from a couple of these to the right. Yes it has that halation effect that a lot of people don’t like but for me it perfectly suits my photographic style (yes I think I actually have one).

Putting the FUN in funicular railway. Lago Como, Olympus Om-1, Cinestill 800T.

Putting the FUN in funicular railway. Lago Como, Olympus Om-1, Cinestill 800T.

As well as Milan I took a day-trip to Lake Como, me and my friends didn’t really have a plan on what we were going to see so just turned up to a powerboat race and had a general wander around Como itself and took a funicular railway up to the top of a mountain. Anyone who knows me will know that anytime I travel I have an obsession with either going to the top of the tallest cathedral or old tower for the view or up a funicular railway. Why would you go anywhere not to be able to get to the highest point? Anyway turns out that a lighthouse at the top of the mountain we climbed was where Alessandro Volta invented the first electric battery (I had no idea that’s where the word voltage came from either), great view, random history/science lesson. To the right is the view of the lake as we took the funicular railway (which always puts the FUN in funicular, I insist on saying that EVERYTIME I ride one of these things, much to everyone else’s annoyance). The colours that came out on this image I am particularly pleased with.

A bridge over the River Po in Torino, one of the many images from the archives of my project “Un Giro D’Italia”. Yashica D, Kodak Ektar 100.

A bridge over the River Po in Torino, one of the many images from the archives of my project “Un Giro D’Italia”. Yashica D, Kodak Ektar 100.

In other news, I finally got around to writing a full blown article about my long running “Un Giro D’Italia” project. It’s available on the film photography website Emulsive if you’re into that kind of thing, although pre-warning for you; it is pretty long since it spans several years of travel, photographing and fun around the Italian peninsula. As the article suggests, this project is far from over and for all intents and purposes may never actually end, I mean i keep going back to Italy and take a camera every time so how can it? Perhaps one day I’ll put on an exhibition of some of the images? (hint hint; I do plan on doing that at some point in the future).

The cover of the second edition of Un Giro D’Italia Part One, which will be released for purchase in the New Year.

The cover of the second edition of Un Giro D’Italia Part One, which will be released for purchase in the New Year.

Also worth mentioning is that in the New Year I will be re-releasing a second edition of the first zine I created from “Un Giro D’Italia”. I have had requests in the past from people who purchased parts two and three who were unaware of the first part when it first came out, so a second edition seems to make sense. It will be in limited numbers but it will be a slight update as well, with a new introduction since it is now two years later since its first release and will also have a few new images that didn’t feature int he first edition as well. I’ll have more new about it when I am ready to release it the world for sale through my Etsy store and also the shop page on this website.

Finally I will have another image of mine being shown by The Glasgow Gallery of Photography in the New Year during their month long street photography exhibition. Thank you to them as always.

Anyway that’s all for now, as usual if you want to get in touch with me then you can do so through the About/Contact page on this website, through Twitter (also if you want to see me talking about more than just photography) and as always my Instagram is updated daily with new images so please check that out as well.

Until next time I hope you all have a great New Year and remember; Keep Shooting Film Everyone.

The 6 Million P Man