Diary Entry Nine

OK a lot of things have changed since the last diary entry I wrote on here and a lot of plans of mine have changed due to the Covid 19 pandemic so i thought I’d write a diary entry on here and share a few images from my archive since I won’t likely be able to make anything new for some time.

First off, unsurprisingly my planned trip to Italy for April didn’t go ahead. As I write this I should have landed in bologna and spent the last few days in Rimini, tomorrow I would’ve been heading to Ravenna and then in the middle of next week I would’ve been going to Ferrara. Instead I have been working from home in my day job since the 19th March, a date I should’ve been displaying some of my images at an art show that also unsurprisingly got cancelled/postponed.

So what have I been able to do? Well I’ve been going through some old images of mine, I have a huge amount of them in boxes as well as saved on hard drives. Sometimes it can be a good thing to look back through old work even if it’s just for memories it brings up. I’ve also been writing a lot recently; I’ve been writing a book since the start of the year and the free time that this whole crisis has opened up and the forced homeworking has left me with a lot of spare time to actually get on with it. I’ve also written an article about the first roll of film I ever shot that’s hopefully going to be on 35mm.com at some point in the future as well.

I’ve also been carrying out a Polaroid based project since the start of the year, making an image every week for the year although the subject matter recently has been pretty generic and similar of the inside of the damn house. I’m going to continue with this for now but I’m not sure it’s going to be as interesting as I hoped it would be.

Anyway time to share a few old photo’s since I can’t make any new ones for a while.

One of the canals in Brugge, me and my girlfriend visited Belgium at the end of January. Yashica D, Kodak Portra 160.

One of the canals in Brugge, me and my girlfriend visited Belgium at the end of January. Yashica D, Kodak Portra 160.

Bologna in Spring 2019, I should’ve been here again right now. Yashica D, Kodak Portra 400.

Bologna in Spring 2019, I should’ve been here again right now. Yashica D, Kodak Portra 400.

A beer in a bar in Brugge. Olympus Om-1, Fuji C200.

A beer in a bar in Brugge. Olympus Om-1, Fuji C200.