Diary Entry Fifteen

Well hello there, it’s been a minute hasn’t it?

And by that I mean it’s been……roughly seven months.

Corfu is beautiful, there’s no other way to describe it.

So first off, apologies for not writing anything here in all that time but I had a bit of an excuse. I got married (although that was in May so maybe that’s not as good an excuse as I think it sounds). Me and my now wife went to Corfu after the weeding, which was the first time we’ve able to travel outside the UK since 2019., it was incredible and perfect for shooting FAR TO MANY rolls of film. It’s taken me until now to actually get around to having it all developed and cataloguing

Not sure what to do with them yet. I mean there is a long term project I have going on in the background in which many of my favourite street images taken in the various places I’ve been over the years end up so some of these may end up added into that. Then again, some of them are very much holiday snaps. Am I overthinking this?

Cover of the prototype.

So other than that, what has been going on in the background photographically you ask? I’d love to say a lot but, well that isn’t really true.

I have been FINALLY working on a book, yes an actual proper book , for my project “It’s Allright Around Here, Isn’t It?”. It’s taken quite a lot longer than I thought it would which is partly down to having an initial 900 odd images and trying to whittle that down to something feasible for print. Obviously not all of them work together, not all of them are one’s I particularly like and also…..a 900 odd page book would be stupidity of the highest order.

Like I said, the sequencing needs work. These two images do NOT work together.

What I have managed to do so far is print up a prototype with roughly 160 odd images in it. The reason I’m calling this a prototype is because these images are not in any particular sequence and was printed up mainly so I could see a physical representation of what the finished product may look like eventually. Spoiler for you all, it will not look like the images here, for a start I’ve already cut a bunch more images out of it that I just don’t think work with the rest or are just too similar to other better one’s.

Who knows? maybe one day this early prototype will be worth something? I mean, if my photography ever becomes something valuable (I doubt it will be).

Well that’s all for now, when I have actually finished sequencing and get around to sorting out a print run I’ll be advertising it here, as well as all over my Twitter and Instagram.

Until next time..

Keep Shooting Film.