Diary Entry Eighteen

Well Hello There!

Once again I have been appallingly poor at keeping this up to date with new so i thought it was about time to put out something even if I haven’t got much to share.

So what’s new with me?

Well first off, you may have noticed a new page added to this website. I’ve brought together a large body of work called “Somnambulism 2015-2022” which is a collection of images made across the period 2015-2022, a bit of a long term project. I won’t go into the blurb about it here but in essence it’s my usual thing of seeking out the interesting and magical in the mundane and hoping to display scene’s and situation’s that we just let us pass by as we essentially sleepwalk through our lives. Somnambulism is the technical term for sleepwalking, beautifully translated from Latin (at least I think so) as “Dream Walking”.

Anyway I hope you find the photos interesting, at present they exist here and I’m sharing one per day (or relatively close to that frequency) over on my Instagram for the foreseeable future. If there’s enough interest then maybe something a little bigger may come of the work, but that’s undecided for now.

In other news I am FINALLY, ALMOST, SORT OF, NEARLY ready to put together a softcover photobook for “It’s Allright Around Here, Isn’t It?” , yeah it’s taken a while. I have a finished draft, one of many let me tell you, and I have shared this early copy with a few people for their thoughts and perhaps a few words that I could include within the book when I self publish it. It’s going to be a limited run of around 100 copies, maybe a little more depending on costings, and will feature sixty four photos from the series including some that were displayed at Ffotogallery as part of the FFOCWS exhibition I was a part of at the end of last and early this year. I’m really excited to get this out into people’s hands, mainly because someone who had a flick through a much earlier draft compared my images to that of Luigi Ghirri. I won’t say who that was but if you know me you’ll know that is an insanely huge compliment for me and it’s taken me a little aback. Yes I can be very self depreciating sometimes so lovely things like that blow me away.

Anyway, when the book is ready and printed I’ll be advertising it but if you’d like to be kept informed of when it’s actually available to buy, how to do it etc then drop me a line through the contact page (or Instagram, Twitter etc).

And final piece of news for the moment, I am in the early stages of working on something new. I’ll reveal here that it’s all being shot in black and white on medium format and concentrates on the remnants of the industrial past that litter South Wales which have just been abandoned and thrown away. It’s a path that’s been trodden before I know but I have always wanted to capture these kinds of places and just from the last few months I can tell you I’ve found myself a little emotional at times while out shooting, there’s so much of our past that’s full of exploitation of the working classes and seeing the structures and places they built and called home just thrown away brings it to the fore that so were those people when the powers that be deemed them unproductive or not needed anymore.

I’ll get off my high horse for now but, yes there’s lots to photograph and lots to share in the future.

That’s all from me for the moment, hope you’re all doing well.

Remember to keep shooting film guys.