A New Project & A New Zine

“It’s Allright around Here, Isn’t It?” - 50 pages of my photography. Buy a copy if you like my work.

“It’s Allright around Here, Isn’t It?” - 50 pages of my photography. Buy a copy if you like my work.

Well hello there everyone, it seems to have been a while since we last spoke. This isn’t really a full on diary entry so i wo’n’t get into what I’ve been up to recently but what I will tell you about is this; My new project and the zine made out of it.

So Over the last few years I have built up a relatively large archive of images of my hometown of Cardiff, unsurprisingly considering I have a camera on me most of the time. Over the last few months though what with being forced to stay close to home whenever I have been able to get out of the house I’ve found myself actively shooting in a particular style and particularly to add images to this archive.

I’ve ended up calling this entire thing “It’s Allright Around Here, Isn’t it?” firstly because hat’s pretty much how I would describe the city of Cardiff to anyone who hasn’t been here……..and also because it’s a massive rip off of Luigi Ghirri’s “it’s beautiful here, isn’t it?”. And we all know how much of a fanboy of Ghirri’s work I am.

An inside view of the new zine.

An inside view of the new zine.

Anyway I’ve produced a zine although I am tempted to call it a booklet or a small book rather than a zine as this time I’;ve gone all out on the quality side. It’s over 50 pages long and features images taken over the last few years around my hometown, it’s perfect bound (yup no staples on this one) and I know I’m biased but it looks pretty bloody nice too.

Anyway if you like my photography and want to support me to make more of what I do then please consider buying a copy, they’re for sale through my Etsy store (the Shop page on this site will take you right through to it).

As always guys thanks for reading and Keep Shooting Film.

The 6 Million P Man